General Information
Course 1. Basic English Conversation (Video Course) has 60 Lessons in all and it will take approximately 6 months to one year to master this course.
Course 2. Intermediate English Conversation (Audio Course) has 26 lessons in all . As the English language used is higher than Course 1, it may take the same amount of time as Course 1 if the learner consistently spend 30 minutes to one hour at least 4 times a week.
Course 3. General / Business English (Audio Course) has 30 lessons in all in English (approximately 300 pages) and it involves all aspects of grammar. Therefore, this course is tougher than the other courses. It will take one to two years to master this course. No translation is provided for this course.
Course 4. Lessons on Vocabulary Building & Practice (Audio Course). This Course is also all in English and has about 4,000 Words – Synonyms and Homophones which will help you boost your vocabulary level in speaking and writing.
Course 5. Lessons on 1,000 Essential Conversational & Verbal Phrases
(Audio Course. This course is all in English and it will be helpful in your daily conversation with people.
The first two Conversation courses come with eBooks in English with the buyer’s language, for example, the Korean buyer will get his eBook in English with Korean translations, Japanese buyer with English and Japanese translations, an Arab buyer will receive his lessons in English with Arabic translations and so on.
Once we have received your payment with your Enrollment Form, we will send you the Video/Audio/eBooks lessons to your email address. Please submit the enrollment form after payment is made.